Light Of The World Christian Fellowship

Light Of The World Christian Fellowship was founded November 3, 2013.  The name is based on Matthew 5:14, "Ye are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hid."  It is also rooted in John 8:12, which states, "Then spake Jesus again to them saying 'I am the Light of the World: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.' "

God gave me a vision of a church that would empower people to walk as children of light so that we may be readily identifiable to those living in darkness.  We are living in a day where people's hearts are being drawn upon by God (John 6:44).  Unfortunately, they are not able to identify churches as beacons of light because our lights are no longer shining.  It's a time that the Church at large has conformed rather than transformed (Romans 12:2).

Light Of The World Christian Fellowship is about "Walking the walk, and not just talking the talk!"

Our mantra is "Changing the world one life at a time."

Our Vision

Our vision is to teach the application of the word of God in an in depth yet understandable manner.  We want to encourage the importance of RELATIONSHIP with God, which transforms our total being and impacts relational outcomes.  To position ourselves as a beacon of light in this world based on the way we conduct ourselves, which will ultimately draw others to Jesus Christ.